vickie gloverVICKI GLOVER

Vicki has been acting professionally since the age of fourteen when she took her first role as the Star Map Seller in Shrek 2 (Dreamworks Pictures). Recent theatre roles include Diana/Mrs. Lynde in Anne of Green Gables (Redhead Reach), Blue in Polly Teale’s Mermaid (Here To There Productions) and Beauty in Beauty and the Beast (Tickled Pink Productions). Recent TV/film roles include Margaret Beaufort in The Real White Queen and Her Rivals (BBC 2/Oxford Scientific Films), Amy in Killer/Saurus (Creativ Studios Ltd.) and Lisa Russell in Jack The Giant Killer (The Asylum). She is currently rehearsing the role of Balthasar in Romeo and Juliet (Here To There Productions), and is currently filming the role of Rebecca West in new twelve-part webseries Snitherwick (Daffadillies).
To find out more about Vicki, please visit her website,, or Spotlight (8419-6577-5388).